
Showing posts from November, 2017

The Earth on Turtle's back

I like this story becuase it is about courage, determination and perseverance. The theme of this is collaborating and being determined to do something. What i learned for this story is if we just believe in our self and help people we will succeed in life.

art of hosting quiz

What is a url? what is www? how do you feel about memes and what kind of memes do you like? How do you feel about open source? What do you do in the internet?

“Immigrants in our own land”- Jimmy Santiago

After reading this poem made me realize that people done a lot of stuff to go to jail but come out a better person after it may not be as scary or as how people discribe it. Although many people will arguee that jail is still a bad place no matter if they come out a new person. First, in the poem he says that “at the gates we are giving news papers, our old cloths are taken away” and i think he means that people get treated differently. second, he says “ some will die and others will go on living with out a soul, a future, or a reason to live” and i think he means that ur old self dies and u become a new person or u stay the same but have no where to go.However, Despite the other people stuck in jail with them make it harder and more violent and just make person sound more scary then it already dose. Third, Jimmy learns how to read and write english in person and people find peace with in them self. Aditionly, some of the best poems are created in jail no just in a office. In conclusio

Something Strange is Happening Worldwide!

First of all i keep finding strange things on the internet and i don’t  know what makes them. I will name the stuff i been finding. 1. polar stratospheric clouds in Siberia, looks like a sort of paint in the sky. 2.  Soil Liquefaction in japan,  the ground moves back and forth. 3. Breathing Earth Filmed in Canadian Forest. 4. Lenticular clouds 5. Giant engulfs Hinesville, Georgia 6.  Massive dust storm hits Phoenix 7.   Amazing Water tornado. caught on camera in Guanajuato mexico 8. and finally Huge Fire Tornado caught on camera in Australia what do you guys think is happying?

On Self- reliance ( Emerson essay )

                 I believe that Emerson is right when he says “to believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men”. I believe that becuaseif you do not believe on things that you think matter no one else will eaither. The most important thing on a person is to have faith, believe, and trust wand with good resons other people would believe with you. Emerson main idea with his passage supports the tone becuase he makes this sound important becuase if you don’t trust on you self or even believe on your self no one else will. The diction that he used was very powerful words that really stood out to me becuase not in every book you read don’t use words like Emerson. I believe that he syntax in his passage was well written becuase of the words put together.                In one example I can use this on my life it would be self-trust becuase if I can trust my self on doing something or learn something new i will be able to do things

Emerson for the young buck

in order to explain Emerson to a 10 year old u have to put it in words they know, so for me if i has to tell it to a 10 year old i would say something like Emerson passage is all about trusting your self becuase if u don’t trust your self no one else will trust you you also have to be your self and not try to be some one else that ur not becuase then Emerson would think that ur dead becuase ur not being ur self.