On Self- reliance ( Emerson essay )

                 I believe that Emerson is right when he says “to believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men”. I believe that becuaseif you do not believe on things that you think matter no one else will eaither. The most important thing on a person is to have faith, believe, and trust wand with good resons other people would believe with you. Emerson main idea with his passage supports the tone becuase he makes this sound important becuase if you don’t trust on you self or even believe on your self no one else will. The diction that he used was very powerful words that really stood out to me becuase not in every book you read don’t use words like Emerson. I believe that he syntax in his passage was well written becuase of the words put together.
               In one example I can use this on my life it would be self-trust becuase if I can trust my self on doing something or learn something new i will be able to do things you what to do. Yet I disagree with Emerson becuase in the passage he says “everyone need to only give a hand to them self“ which means he dosent believe on other people helping each other becuase they need to do it by them self but sometimes it is good to help other people becuase when you need help that person will help you back. In other passages he writes saying “ what I must do is all that concerns me, but not what the people think”.  What I think I really have to do not to do what other people think I should do. What is very important is you shouldn’t do what other people think you should do becuase that can cause something you don’t what.


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