5 Really Good Things That Are Happening in The World Right Now

1. Doctors have reversed a 2-year-old girl's brain damage
Researchers in the US have reported what they believe is a  first of its kind  reversal of brain damage on a two-year-old girl who drowned in a pool and was resuscitated after two hours of her heart not beating on its own.
2. We're finally getting close to achieving sustainable nuclear fusion
Nuclear fusion could be the key to producing almost-unlimited energy with few byproducts other than saltwater, but researchers have long struggled to create a machine that could sustainably control such a powerful reaction.
3. You no longer need to pay ridiculous amounts to access peer-reviewed science research
The scientific community is fighting back against crazy paywalls, with a new study showing that more than a quarter of all scientific papers are now available free online thanks to the unpaywall app. 
4. Scientists think they might be able to reverse Alzheimer's memory loss
Lost memories might not be gone forever. An enzyme that interferes with key memory-forming processes in people with Alzheimer's can now be specifically targeted thanks to the discovery of a protein that helps it do its dirty work, according to new research out of mit.
5. Researchers are finally beginning to understand how we can repair spinal cord injuries
There's nothing simple about repairing spinal cord injuries. But new research has pinned down how one of the most cutting edge techniques works, and in particular how the body can repair itself with a little prompting from surgeons. 


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