
Showing posts from September, 2018

Questions for author

1. Did you mean for your story to imitate / describe something that happened in real life, or did you want to write about a topic and create a story that caused readers to think about that topic?  He wanted to write about something that happens in real life. 2. Is your story a tragedy or a comedy?  How would it be different if you had chosen the other path? This story is a comedy and it would be different Becuase soilders would be dying in combat and cilivans could of dyed. 3. Did you intend for your characters to be better than real people, worse than real people, or about the same as real people? He intended his characters to be about the same as real people. 4. How did you come up with the plot?  He can up with this plot with all the hints happening in the Middle East.


I was talking to Dr. H in U.S. history today before 5 period and there’s something that really came out  about Kavanaugh and the Supreme Court thag the sociologist didn’t remmber how she got to the party or how she left and he pointed out that her 4 wittiness said that the attempted rape never happen so this got me to the point we’re i start thinking is she just making this up just to get her name out there so people know who she is and what she dose this is something really intersting happing at the moment but what do you guys think?


Life can teach someone so many lessons over time some are valuable and other not so much. This could mean there’s many things to think about. As a high school senior I seen so many things during my 4 years in high school and I seen many friends learn many lessons especially with relationships during high school many students start dating not knowing what could happen with them in the future  and many good friends end up being hurt. During their relationship first they are so happy being together but the longer they are the more unhappy, fights, and arguments happen until it ends up badly and have had to broken up. This has broken so many people and they don’t end up being the same for a good while my friend ended up being so heart-broken it changed him forever during this break up he learned that life puts so many bumps on the road that will only lead you to success this story is about Carl. I knew Carl since sophomore year in aquatics class and during that time we was dating a girl n

Story draft

Life can teach someone so many lessons over time some can be vauble and other not so much. This could mean there’s many things to think about. As a high school senior I seen so many things during my 4 years in high school and I seen many firends learn many lessons especially with relationships during high school many students start dating not knowing what could happen with them in the future  and many good firends end up being hurt. During there relationship first they are so happy being together but the longer they are the more unhappy, fights, and arguments happen until it ends up badly and have to brake up. This has broken so many people and they don’t end up being the same for a good while my firend ended up being so heart broken it changed him forever during this brake up he learned that life puts so many bumps on the road that will only lead you to success this story is about Carl. I knew Carl since sophomore year in aquatics class and during that time we was dating a girl name A

Literature analysis

for the book i choice i loved reading the book the grate Gatsby every since i read it for the first time the book takes place in new York and on Long Island and there two different  characters that come from two different places the rich and the poor I got to the point of the book where Gatsby throws party’s and never shows himself expect for his new neighbor.

life after high school

life after high school is coming real soon and its of matter of time to start thinking and planning on  what to do and figure out how its going to work for example if you are going to work or go into collage or 4 year collage

5 really good things happening around the world

I don't know why but this is something i like going into and seeing am just interested in this kind of things i would be putting the link to the website at the end of this.  1. Doctors have reversed a 2-year-old girl's brain damage    2. We're finally getting close to achieving sustainable nuclear fusion 3. We can now 'listen in' to the Universe  4. We're getting really close to eradicating the second disease from the planet 5.  And polio might not be far behind

Senior night smhs marching band

thinking about it senior night is a night I won’t ever forget and will aways be in my mind and looking back in high school am glad I made the firends I have now Becuase at some point the fun memories we had together won’t be forgotten there’s a lot to say but I just wanna keep it nice and short

Yesterday’s game

i wasn’t expecting yesterday’s game to go how it whent Becuase most of our teams where focused and wasn’t ready to play alone with that I was really tired cuase of all the conditioning I lost while I had a week of cuase of my eye I just hope todays game goes better then yesterday’s

When I first discovered this

one of the best things ever said on social media would be it’s hard to be taken advantage of when you’re giving without expectation by garyvee and I use this pretty much everyday Becuase I help people back or help them with money and I don’t expect anything back which on some days it could be very helpful.

One of the best quote

One of my favorite quote from garyvee would be “ you have one fucking life do something about it”  Becuase it gets you thinking what should I do with my life instead of just being lazy at home


Honesly Garyvee is one of the most inspiring person on social media he just gets his words out that get to people and make them think you know what that’s true.

Making of a satire

creating a satire was kinda fun Becuase you can make fun of something and make it seem like it’s a good thing but it will bring other people attention and figure out how bad it is and would what to change it into something good.