Story draft

Life can teach someone so many lessons over time some can be vauble and other not so much. This could mean there’s many things to think about. As a high school senior I seen so many things during my 4 years in high school and I seen many firends learn many lessons especially with relationships during high school many students start dating not knowing what could happen with them in the future  and many good firends end up being hurt. During there relationship first they are so happy being together but the longer they are the more unhappy, fights, and arguments happen until it ends up badly and have to brake up. This has broken so many people and they don’t end up being the same for a good while my firend ended up being so heart broken it changed him forever during this brake up he learned that life puts so many bumps on the road that will only lead you to success this story is about Carl. I knew Carl since sophomore year in aquatics class and during that time we was dating a girl name Ariel when I started to know him more as we talked and I started to figure out he was having probalems in his relationship and little did I knew it was going to start changing him little by little yet I didn’t force my self to talk to him about it Becuase I knew it would hurt him more. Carl got  to the point where you can see how his life was crumbling down in front of my eyes and the next day Ariel broke up with Carl and since that day they never talked or seen each other agian. Carl wasn’t in the mood and didn’t wanted to swim during class he broke down in front of me. That day everything changed for him after he graduated he stayed in town for a year and he ment a beautiful girl he liked her name was Alia and they ended up likeing each other while they talk they would hang out everyday and go everywhere together and little by little his heart recovered from the past and they ended up dating while they started dating Carl started to do music and started to put him self out there and of course Alia was there to support him. After a a year or two of them being together carl Decided to move to a new state and with that he did but he took his girlfirend with him so they moved together and ever since then his being living his dream with someone who makes him happy and pushes him to do his best he tells some people his story and helps everyone going through the same thing he did.


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