Hamlet Notes

Something I noticed is when Hamlet friends comes in he acts different more smarter. When Hamlet gets asked something he responds with something big and fancy instead of answering with a simple answer. 

Hamlet is saying basically saying that his dad is supposed to be dead when the ghost is coming in but the ghost wants to talk to him alone. 

Horatio and Marcellus  is trying to stop Hamlet from going with the ghost and is just trying to stop him from making a bad choices.

Mercellus- something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

Seance 5

Ghost- this was not a natural death this was a murder.

“The serpent that did sting thy father’s life now wears his crown” basically saying that his brother killed him for the crown.

Before the ghost leaves he tells hamlet how the murder happen and he said that when he wanted to sleep in the garden his brother poisoned him and and that he took a lot from him his crown, and his wife.

Last thing that his dad tells him is to lead her mom into heaven and let guild consume her and not to take revenge on her mother but isn’t saying revenge on his uncle isn’t fine so revenge on his uncle will be fine.

From this moment Hamlet knows what should be done. The rest of the play holds this truth in his heart and can’t really tell no one but still has to manage his life.

He tells his friends that the ghost was was but they can’t tel anyone of what they saw .


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