Notes/ A mother’s love and am I heroic as the next person

When hamlets friends come to talk to hamlet he says who great me with noice and hamlet tells them
That you’re like the kings dog and that they are a sponge. And that they should know there place becuase hamlet is yet the prince.

Hamlet is being sent with a letter when he gets to England he will be killed and then the king would help them protect England as well.

Hamlet is saying that everything his seeing rn is reminding me of what I need to do and that’s get my revenge what is a man if all he dose eat and sleep what is it all worth then he said I have all the things I need to do it then he says look at these army soldiers there prince is smaller then he is and what his fighting for is nothing and am fighting for a lot that his letting them happen then while his looking around he starts to beat him self up at the end he gives him self a pep talk and says from now on his thoughts would be bloody eaither he wins or he dies.

Queen Gertrude
I think that queen Gertrude wouldn’t do the actions that her words say and yet tell the king about the convocation her and hamlet had and everything that would happen I also think that her actions would be telling the king about hamlet plan and trying to safe him and sent hamlet off somewhere.

When hamlet compares him self to the soldiers his trying to say that there fighting for something that dosent matter and as him dealing with everything going on him self is fighting for something much bigger and that he should start to take actions. I have sometimes criticize my self while doing something I love like beating my self up with words saying am not very good at it and need to work harder and work on trying to get good to get it the first time or memorize it the first thing I see it or play it. This motivates me because hamlet says that his going to end up doing what his plan is eaither he does or wins and this motivates me becuase I can say I eaither practice harder and get better or just keep falling and like hamlet motivates him self at the end I also end up doing it.


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