Staying power

Hamlet is telling Horatio to look at my uncle that there’s a sense that happens to my dad and if he seems guilty then tell me and if his not guilty then it was a mean ghost. His trying to make a smart choice and is willing to be open minded. 

Hamlet is just off this sense first off he dosent want to sit next to her mom Cuase now he what’s to sit next to Ophelia and making comments what’s in between her legs and now his acting like he dosent know time. 

When the play started happening and the death happend the king started to show more emotion and hamlet is happy that he found out the truth.

Rosencrantz is still trying to get answers from hamlet but hamlet isn’t telling him anything. 
Hamlet is aways in two levels Guildenstern is on his heels and now is playing defense.

A room in the castle

The king has identified Hamlet as a threat and to get him out of there. 
Hamlet said that his going to wait because his praying rn and if he kills him then he would go to heaven and he dosent want that to happen and he wants him to go into hell


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