Macbeth 2/ Macbeth in his own words

The witches meted Macbeth with two promotions after that Macbeth turns to the witches like wait are you for real about what they are telling him.

What we are learning about him is that his open to this and he doesn’t reject them off right away in the other hand his open to it and what’s to know more his also saying no because he is humble.
 They just saw the witches vanish in thin air and Angus is  say that that’s something evil  and Macbeth says yes we just saw something that seemed real vanish into air.

Ross walks in and tells Macbeth that the king is really happy with him and tells him that he is the new the cawdor two minutes after the witches left.
In this play we almost have something like in hamlet Macbeth is thinking out loud.

Macbeth is a wear that his feelings is a sin he knows it’s a crime not just to his church but to his society as well and that he should be happy with all his success as a soldier.
“ come what come way, time and the hour runs through the roughest day”

 Macbeth is his own words

Macbeth gave me a impression that he likes where his at the the moment and doesn’t want more or less until the witches tell him the future and wants more


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