
Shakespeare wrote Macbeth

Far is foul, and foul is fair

Because of gun powder plot Shakespeare had to be careful how he wrote it
Macbeth is about Royalty in Scotland
The grate chain of being

It matters because everyone has a place in life.
The Devine right of kings- believe that the power was given from god and they don’t answer to anyone else besides god and only god.

Disdaining fortune Macbeth is looking around and his saying this is how I shouldn’t be am make it better. Shakespeare is saying that Macbeth is “badass”, violent and brutal. Then he took the head and put it on a stick as a warning.

First impression of this is that no one should question no one and if someone dose something they don’t like they would pay the price.

If we where to be watching this in the play we would see the Sargent bloody and almost fainted but as he is telling the story he faints.
The Sargent was reporting from the battle feild and just introducing Macbeth and we know that Macbeth is a hero and a favor of the king.

As powerful as Macbeth is there is someone way more power and more even then him and that’s lady Macbeth.


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