
Showing posts from May, 2019


Nathaniel- setting up you’re time management can be really easy in a way you have smart phones that can remind you as well with calendars before you wanna do something and you remember you have to do something put you’re phone away because social media can be a distraction to getting things down and it can help you plan ahead of time. Jose- most people say that guns are used for protection for there house or them self. In 1996 there have been 78 school shootings and in 2019 there had been 8 shooting this year. Lizbeth- Most veterans which are 80% are females and they treat any kind of animal you can think of. Cats and dogs are most allergic to Grapes, chocolate and garlic. Ernie-The main cause of car crashes are people who drive under the influence, reckless driving, speeding, running red lights, and losing control of steering wheel. The things we can do to prevent car crashes would be get out off your phone, don’t drink and drive. Cynthia- in art you need to know how everythin

Big question 2.0

          Well at first my big question was about life choices but as I kept doing more and more research it leads into hard choices and how to understand them. We all do them maybe not as often as other people for example it could be between a certain college, military, working, or place to live. For me it’s either deciding between my major Administration of Justice or military. I think that we misunderstood them and the role they play in our lives. Understanding hard choices can uncover a hidden power each of us have. What makes a choice hard is the way the alternatives relate in some ways the other is better in some ways, but neither is better than the other overall. In an easy choice one alternative is better than the other one.          Staying at home can be better in some ways and moving out can be better in other ways but none is better than the other over all. We shouldn’t think that all hard choices are big but realizing that small choices can also be hard. Why make big har


Kevin’s masterpiece- there are 3 main parts of getting a tattoo the link (intense) , the needle , and the transfer gel. You have to have a reason why to have or get a tattoo if you don’t have a reason to get it then you can regret it for the rest of you’re life. Janessa’s masterpiece- you can freeze skin cells and if we can find a way to freeze organs then we can live pretty much for ever. Psychedelic science got reduced by 80% depression mental disorders and anxiety. Josue- When doing DJ is all about being you’re self and having fun and making it you’re own style. With you’re own music it can impact someone it might not be right away it may take time but when you do  it’s the best feeling you can have as long as you try by you’re self. Rodrigo- fins something you’re passionate about then do it and don’t follow or do things that you’re friends are passionate about. The average person changes majors 12 times in there life time and if you’re patient then you can do it. Evelyn- li

Brave New World Essay

In Brave New World there are so many characters who question everything in the Reservation. In this essay I will be talking about John and how he questioned everything throughout the book. John is the only person in Brave New World who was born naturally by a mother. He represented a unique human being in this book with an identity and a family relationship unlike any other character in this book. John grows up in a squealer of the Savage Reservation and is treated differently then anyone else. Linda turns out to be the mother of John which is very different in the World State. At some point of the book she visits the Reservation and finds out she is the mother while the ex-director is the father. When there was a meeting on Bernard discussing if he should get banished to the Iceland John comes in calling the '' ex- director'' " daddy" but he denies everything and the crowed started laughing because they think it is a sick joke. After Linda and John proved i

Ignite talk finished

Just finished my ignite talked today and I was super hyper and nervous at the same time I accidentally forgot to say something which was the connection I did. My hyper ness and my nervousness was fighting because before English I was scuba diving in my 4th period class and I got nervous to go up there.