
Showing posts from January, 2019

Act 1 Macbeth

Duncan is the king that’s why Macbeth has been saying the service and loyalty has paid it self so Macbeth has been saying all the right things he is honoring the king. This is the space where Macbeth wants he the place of the king but doesn’t want no one to find out his dark desire. In the letter Macbeth is telling the truth about what he wants and what has happened to lady Macbeth. Duncan is going to eat in Macbeth house to die. Macbeth sent her a letter about the witches and she said “grate the king is coming over let’s kill him” and then she dents all this emotion she said she a flower but act like a serpent. On act 6 Macbeth has like a hamlet moment because he starts to sink out side his mind and he knows if the king dies there would be an investigation. Lady Macbeth comes in and basically asked Macbeth if there going to go worth the plan and Macbeth put a stop to it because it’s a big deal when the king eats at his house. Lady Macbeth is telling him that it was

Senior year

I actually believe everything the teachers have told me now that am in my last year of high school they have told me enjoy everything you can while in high school join sports and be active because senior year would go by a blink of an eye and now I believe it I just purchased my cap and gown and getting applications done next thing I know am going to be graduating on stage soon

Macbeth 2/ Macbeth in his own words

The witches meted Macbeth with two promotions after that Macbeth turns to the witches like wait are you for real about what they are telling him. What we are learning about him is that his open to this and he doesn’t reject them off right away in the other hand his open to it and what’s to know more his also saying no because he is humble.  They just saw the witches vanish in thin air and Angus is  say that that’s something evil  and Macbeth says yes we just saw something that seemed real vanish into air. Ross walks in and tells Macbeth that the king is really happy with him and tells him that he is the new the cawdor two minutes after the witches left. In this play we almost have something like in hamlet Macbeth is thinking out loud. Macbeth is a wear that his feelings is a sin he knows it’s a crime not just to his church but to his society as well and that he should be happy with all his success as a soldier. “ come what come way, time and the hour runs through the roughest


Trust and judgment Good judgment- the reason we put blogs is so we can be proud of. Good them something good for them to think about. Use last factor


Shakespeare wrote Macbeth Far is foul, and foul is fair Because of gun powder plot Shakespeare had to be careful how he wrote it Macbeth is about Royalty in Scotland The grate chain of being It matters because everyone has a place in life. The Devine right of kings- believe that the power was given from god and they don’t answer to anyone else besides god and only god. Disdaining fortune Macbeth is looking around and his saying this is how I shouldn’t be am make it better. Shakespeare is saying that Macbeth is “badass”, violent and brutal. Then he took the head and put it on a stick as a warning. First impression of this is that no one should question no one and if someone dose something they don’t like they would pay the price. If we where to be watching this in the play we would see the Sargent bloody and almost fainted but as he is telling the story he faints. The Sargent was reporting from the battle feild and just introducing Macbeth and we know that Macbeth is a h