
Showing posts from April, 2019


I just watched  the Avengers endgame and it was an amazing movie!!! Probably #1 in my list of favorite movies out there But the end really got to everyone just wished there was a happy ending to it. “Love you 3000”

Spring break.... yay

So a week before spring brake I was excited because I had things planned to do over the brake but like any brake we take I end up getting lazy and not doing anything I had planned for example pools, hiking, beach, etc now I just been at home realizing it’s Friday  and we go back to school next week!

Ignite talk

My masterpiece is about life choices but as I did more research about it, it lead my into hard choice  and how to deal with them. During my masterpiece I will be discussing about how to make a hard choice easy and how to better understand your choices. One thing I did was to explore my big question topic by doing research on Google and by watching YouTube videos. I learned that a hard choice doesn’t  necessary mean that one choice is better than another, but they are both equal. One connection I see is that I had to make a choice in the beginning   of the year on whether  or not to do traditional high school English class or do what I am/or we doing right now.  Next I will be figuring the right steps on how to make a hard choice easy.

Chapter 18 brave new world

Bernard and Helmholtz say goodbye to John and Bernard  apologizes for the scene in mods office. John asks Mond if he can go with them to the island but Mond refuses because he wants to continue “the experiment”. The next day some reporters come to interview him but John kicks one reporter and angrily demands they respect his solitude and the newspaper publish the incident and more reporters flock to johns home. Fans o soon visits John and chant as the crowd chants Lenina steps out of a helicopter and walks toward him with her arms open. John calls her a strumpey and proceeds to whip her. After midnight the helicopters leave and John collapses from the soma and the extended “frenzy of sensuality” When he awakes the next day he remembers everything with horror and having read about the “orgy of atonement” in the papers a swarm of visitors descends on Johns lighthouse discovering that he had hanged him self

Chapter 17 brave new world

Ooo as Helmholtz leaves to check on Bernard John and Mustapha Mond keeps going with their philosophical argument. Their conversation in chapter 16 is about converted human experience and institutions that they have abolished as well in chapter 17 they discuss religion and religious experience. As Helmholtz leaves to check on Bernard John and and Mustapha Mond keeps going with their philosophical argument their conversation in chapter 16 is about converted human experience and institutions that they have abolished as well in chapter 17 they discuss religion and religious experience. Mond shows John his collection of banned religious writings and reads aloud long passages from nineteenth century French philosopher. John protests that is the people of the world state believe in god they would not be degraded by their pleasant vices then he  declares that he wants god, poetry, real danger, freedom, goodness, and sin Mond tells him that his wishes will lead to unhappiness and John agre

Chapter 16 brave new world

The police leave Bernard, Helmholtz, and John in the Monds office they wait for a while then Mond arrives. He sees John and he tells him “ so you don’t like civilization,  Mr. Savage.” Then John admits that he does like some things but not all such as the constant sound of music but then Mond responds quoting Shakespeare but John is surprised that he has read Shakespeare. Mond mentions that a society based on “consumerism”  just like the world state needs citizens who want new things then he goes off that newness is more important then intrinsic value and high art must must be suppressed to make room for the room.

Chapter 15 notes brave new world

His not seeing people as people but as test humans. John is encounters two Bokanovsky groups of delta twins picking up their soma rations after their shift.  John cries to them to stop taking the soma rations while he tells them that it is poison then ask them to take freedom. “ how many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world. O brave new world” Bernard ask for help from the cop and he falls to the floor like if his legs where made out of jelly. Then he says that behind the police men has switch off and the room is left silent. The police men have a water gun but the gun is filled with medication and that is what Bernard goes down and couldn’t feel there legs. Bernard has taken this time to move towards the door and he ends up escaping.

Chapter 14 brave new world

John hurries to the hospital and he whispers impatiently to a nurse that he wants to see his mother and he starts to blush furiously at his use of word “mother” the nurse takes him to Linda’s bed. When John gets there he sits next to her crying while he is trying to remember all the good times they had. While that is happing a group of  eight year Bokanovsky boys gathered around Linda’s bed and they ask why is she so fat and ugly. John angers the nurse when he strikes one offensive child the nurse criticized him for interfering with the children’s death conditioning and leads them away from Linda’s bed. Linda mistakes John for pope and he shakes her hand demanding that she recognizes him as her son She says his name and starts to recite phrase from her childhood and then begins to choke he quickly rushes to the nurse but Linda is dead by the tile they get to her room John sobs while the nurse worries about the damage done to the children’s death conditioning then she hands out

Chapter 13 brave new world

Linda was getting read to go out with a friend and Henry Foster asked her with which friend and named some but each time he said a name Linda shook her head. Henry started to tell her that she should go to the doctor then he said “ a doctor a day keeps the Jims- jams away” he added then he adds that she needs a pregnancy substitute but Linda was still silence then Henry said that she needs a V.P. Later that night Lenina explains to fanny she still doesn’t know how it feels to sleep with a “savage” Fanny warns her that it’s unseemly to be obsessed with a person and that she should find someone else to take her mind off him but Lenina  says that she only what’s John and no one else. Lenina takes a soma to visit John and she is indenting to seduce him. John falls to his knees and starts to quote parts from Shakespeare to explain his feelings. Lenina ask why he hasn’t said anything about his feelings then he starts to talk about marriage and declares his love to her. Lenina presse

Should Abortion be legal in the USA?

I was going over my word and found this document from last semester from a government debate we had and I was placed on this topic and on the yes side (hints the name and everything else) but this is what I got as my part but I’m posting it to see you’re thoughts on it. Should abortion be legal in the USA? Yes Opening Statement       My team members and I believe that abortion should be legal in the US because it’s a right to allow women to have the decision to do what they want with their own body. Having the choice on what happens to a women’s body can empower them in having a choice in the matter. By simply giving them the option, it gives women the ability to control their future. Although many frown upon the idea of getting an abortion there are many scenarios in which a women has the right to make that decision for herself. Legalizing abortion has a better outcome for a woman than getting it illegally done and having it be unsafe for her mentally and health wise. Being abl

Chapter 12 notes brave new world

Bernard is around a big event filled with important people he had promised them that they will have the change to meet the “savage” but as they go here John didn’t what to leave his room. Bernard is embarrassed and humiliated in front of them as well with the Arch-Community-Songster. The Arch Community Songster warms Bernard to be more careful in his criticisms to the world state. Bernard dink’s back into his former melancholia. Bernard ends up grateful and resentful that Helmholtz gives him the friendship he needs. Helmholtz has gotten himself into trouble for reading some unorthodox rhymes to his students at the collage. Bernard his pills to go into a soma and leave his feeling back. The poetry enraptured Helmholtz but when John reads a passage from Romeo and Juliet and about Juliet’s parents trying to persuade her to marry Paris.

I am stuck

I been doing my big question which is about life choices but I only got so far and don’t know what else to put or what to say it’s like I hit a wall but so far I’m thing of what else to put

Chapter 11 notes brave new world

By the end of chapter 11 Lenina ends up liking John but she can’t tell if he likes her back or not so she’s holding back on telling her until she is sure about it. Bernard doesn’t what to take pills to fall into a soma and visit his mother often. John ends up talking about his “thriving sex life” to a person named Helmholtz but Helmholtz doesn’t reply with words but with a gloomy silence that offends Bernard in a way. That’s when Bernard decides to stop speaking to Helmholtz. He writes Mod to tell him that John has found a “civilized  infantility” and that it was too easy. Bernard tells Mod in the letter that he agrees with John’s verdict. Mod reading this letter thinks he might have to teach Bernard a lesson. After that he visits Eton where “Alpha children laughed at a film of “Savages” beating themselves with whips on a Reservation. When John and Lenina spend three weeks in a helicopter and they tell the story of a black man who kidnaps a bald beta plus woman for his own en

Book club of one

I think that reading a book with someone else that’s enjoys it could be helpful because you get someone else view then what you got and can change you’re mind from thinking a way then someone  or a pet or the book

Chapter 11 notes brave new world

the Director ends up quitting his job completely and becomes the ex-director. Linda ( the mother) ended up getting fat and no one in the world state could look at her with out feeling completely sick but for Linda park she didn’t want to see them either. Linda would end up taking soma everyday and would Ben passed out all day everyday just laying down in her bed. The doctor confirmed to Bernard that one day the respiratory Centre would be paralyzed. He also confirmed that being in a soma would make her lose a few years in her life. John said that he doesn’t believe that it is right and the doctor shrugged his shoulders and said to him that well of course If he prefer to have her screaming mad all the time.


I really wanna learn how to be more save in the internet and how to use it properly and to our advantage for the long run.

Chapter 10 notes brave new world

The director stops everyone from shouting distance from their work they all listen to a public announcement  that Bernard is a jerk and he has betrayed his social responsibilities he concludes by asking Bernard if there’s any good reason that he shouldn’t banished to Iceland.  Bernard says yes and being Lenina  to the hallway and yes she is over weight and old so everyone in the room is discussed by her and can’t even see her When Linda tells the director that she has a child he is denying everything she is saying. If things aren’t bad enough at the moment John comes in saying “ Daddy!” And everyone in the room starts to laugh because they think this is a joke and the director runs away after all that happens.

Friday of last week

Friday of last week I wasn’t in school either until 7th period as seniors In high school we took a trip to Allan Hancock College to do freshmen orientation and kinda see the classes we would take for our major I’m really happy I went they gave us a lot of information about it and I was actually able to pick my major it is administration of justice I hope I do grate with the major I chose and if I don’t end up liking it I can always change it

Thursday of last week

Thursday of last week me and the saints concert band headed out to Thousand Oaks for a band competition. We met at the buss stop really early in the morning around 8:30 and as we drove and got closer the more and more nervous we got even tho we done this for a while before the band competition we stopped to look at a college and they talked about the benefits they had for their students. After the college we got back in the buss and headed to the band competition. As soon as we stepped out of the buss we started to get judged and waited for our turn to play it actually took around 30 mins to get warmed up once’s we were warming up they only gave us 10 mins to go over the music and warm up as well. After that we got transferred to the art center where 3 judges were ready to hear us play ones we finished our 3 songs we headed to a clinic where another band director showed us more about what we can improve and be better at we left Thousand Oaks fee better as musicians it was around 6:

Chapter 9 brave new world

Lenina is disgusted by the reservation it takes enough to incapacitate herself for 18 hours. Bernard repeats the story to a succession of secretaries before finally reaching to the world controller Mod agreed that John and Linda are a matter of scientific interest to the world state. Bernard visits the warden of the reservation to pick up people that would be released to John and Linda into their care. Bernard and Linda left with out him and John brakes into the cabin where Linda is still on the “ soma- holiday”. He goes threw her things before he finds her passed out on her bed meanwhile he looks at her in silence then starts to quote parts of Romeo and Juliet. He wants to touch her while she’s passed out but head that it would scare her as he looks at her Bernard’s helicopter gets close and John is able to run away from the house and hides his trespass.