
Showing posts from November, 2018

Notes/ A mother’s love and am I heroic as the next person

When hamlets friends come to talk to hamlet he says who great me with noice and hamlet tells them That you’re like the kings dog and that they are a sponge. And that they should know there place becuase hamlet is yet the prince. Hamlet is being sent with a letter when he gets to England he will be killed and then the king would help them protect England as well. Hamlet is saying that everything his seeing rn is reminding me of what I need to do and that’s get my revenge what is a man if all he dose eat and sleep what is it all worth then he said I have all the things I need to do it then he says look at these army soldiers there prince is smaller then he is and what his fighting for is nothing and am fighting for a lot that his letting them happen then while his looking around he starts to beat him self up at the end he gives him self a pep talk and says from now on his thoughts would be bloody eaither he wins or he dies. Queen Gertrude I think that queen Gertrude wouldn’t do t


Hamlet kills Polonius Then he dosent lose his cool and tells his mom to sit down. All this started stats when hamlet compares his dad and his uncle then compare his dad to the gods then compared his uncle with someone then tells his mom that why she enemy to a god to that and where would you have such a mind to think of the idea to kill my dad then marry my uncle but you did this because you are cold. The ghost enters and hamlet turns and starts talking to it and only one can see him and queen Gertrude tells hamlet that his mad but the ghost tells hamlet to not kill his mother but to talk to her about it but still to get revenge on his uncle. Since hamlet and his friends could see the ghost wand that there not guiltily but since queen Gertrude can’t see the ghost is telling everyone that she is guiltily. Hamlet is now driving the bus and what hamlet said is stop sleeping with my uncle act like you still care and here’s what you should do then he tells her and oh btw am goi

Staying power

Hamlet is telling Horatio to look at my uncle that there’s a sense that happens to my dad and if he seems guilty then tell me and if his not guilty then it was a mean ghost. His trying to make a smart choice and is willing to be open minded.  Hamlet is just off this sense first off he dosent want to sit next to her mom Cuase now he what’s to sit next to Ophelia and making comments what’s in between her legs and now his acting like he dosent know time.  When the play started happening and the death happend the king started to show more emotion and hamlet is happy that he found out the truth. Rosencrantz is still trying to get answers from hamlet but hamlet isn’t telling him anything.  Hamlet is aways in two levels Guildenstern is on his heels and now is playing defense. A room in the castle The king has identified Hamlet as a threat and to get him out of there.  Hamlet said that his going to wait because his praying rn and if he kills him then he would go to heave

Act 3

Hamlet says to Ophelia that if there going to have kids then there going to be sinners because his a sinner. And woman will mess up you’re life but so first now he was blaming him self but now his like attacking Ophelia then he says that painting makes a different face on a woman. King Claudius said nahh this isn’t about love and his not mad eaither his planning something and there’s something else going on here. While everyone is talking it’s like set up for someone to end up spying on them.  Hamlet is telling the first player to not suck and to try his best during the play.

To be or not to be

Hamlet walls in the stage and his like telling him self that this is it and To die to sleep in that sleep of dealth that’s the part where hamlet says I got to respect what I don’t know so I need to respect the fact that I am alive.  In some ways his asking here is the fear of taking any risk. Any habit takes a force to break stopping the habits is as hard as starting them and his saying that all those things are hard. When he said why put up with all this stuff and just quit. We fear what we don’t know. Maybe he said I’ll suffer all this or maybe I won’t say anything and just stay quit. But eaither way am feel like a quitter if I just take it but if I kill the king the life am living now won’t be peacefully. Hamlet is saying that murder is a sin that at the moment his not doing it his thinking about it then at the end of this the last lines are sneaky becuase it’s like a oh hey by the way.

Hamlet summary

Since we started the play till now has been a tragic story and it ends up being a story in trust issues and not knowing who or what to trust because hamlet’s dad end up dying but not a natural death then at night the guards see a ghost and they thought that maybe it was hamlet’s dad that’s why his not speaking to anyone besides him after the sun goes up the two  guards go tell hamlet about the ghost they saw at night and they think that it’s his dad on the table while him and his parents are having breakfast they start arguing about letting him go somewhere to study and they didn’t let them during the story the ghost starts to appear more and more until he talks to hamlet and let’s him know the truth but he tells hamlet to not blame it on his mom but at his killer now hamlet have to make a choice to kill his uncle which is now the king or not but during all that the king sents someone to spy on hamlet and he ends up finding out and make them confess while he dose that he ask them if he

Hamlet notes

his saying leave us alone we weren’t sent for hamlet and going to spy on him. Hamlet comes in with to be or not not be and his basically saying if he fights this or not then he says to die to sleep no more his kinda saying that he won’t have to deal with anything going on and that he can finally rest. Hamlet is realized that that what ever he choices the other half of him won’t be alive then starts asking what happens if or how would it be if He don’t exists. He saying that they deal with all this stuff becuase no one knows what happens after or behind door number one becuase one one comes back to tell what happens. Thus- is where he starts making fun of him self and his saying how would he feel if he kills his uncle but thinking about the glut is making him a coward becuase it’s holding him back. At the last line he gets distracted by seeing Ophelia sitting on the corner reading a book that was gifted to her. He says 3 different times to to Ophelia to don’t mess with love an

Notes/ the plan within the play

Are they following dosent mean as a security was but it means as the social media kind of following . The prince is making so sense and Polonius has to follow becuase he can’t be disrespectful. Hamlet is just toying with Polonius. Every single thing on the play means something becuase this is a story about a murder who gets power then turns into a story about revenge. Hamlet is asking him to play a certain play and his setting this up so it triggers something in the people. Two things start happing in hamlet like if he started beating him self up for the first time we see hamlet not being him self and he starts doughting him self he has a plan but his also using a lot of smarts and his uncle will be there to be watching it and if his color changes then he gets his answer he knows what to do when the sene is going on. I have a feeling that ones hamley gets his answer he will murder the king to get revenge on his father or he might just stop the play and tell everybody what he

Hamlet notes

king Claudius is taken hamlets old friends and telling them he doesn’t know what’s wrong with him but to ask questions and see what’s wrong to try and help him. The queen Gertrude is in on it as well . Rosencrantz is saying well you are the king and queen you can just command us to do it not ask us. Lord Polonius supposedly said he found what’s wrong with Hamlet. The first thing he said is he enemy to see the king and the king has trubble in his own kingdom. Lord Polonius says that’s Hamlet is mad. Clean round said so what you do and he said that lord is a prince and is out you’re league and she listen then hamlet stop eating and when crazy. So basically he keeps treading himself with his plan saying they can follow them and if it ain’t true then his out of a job and he would go and keep a farm somewhere else. When lord Polonius says this he is talking to king and the queen saying this guy doesn’t even know me and calls me a fishmonger then turns to Halmet and tells him

Hamlet notes act 2

“There are more thing in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamy of in your philosophy.” For the rest of the play he is telling Horatio no matter how odd I look to you is like if you don’t even know. Act 2 His spying in his own son As may dishonor him take heed of that basically saying saying talk bad about him not not to much. Let them know that his kinda of a fire person Ophelia comes to lord Polonius saying that his half naked in my room while am sowing and that he grabs her by the wrist. Lord Polonius thinks his so clever saying that he can handle it and everything but then says have you tried and talked to him? Lord Polonius takes Ophelia to the kind to tell him about what happend with Hamlet.

Hamlet Notes

Something I noticed is when Hamlet friends comes in he acts different more smarter. When Hamlet gets asked something he responds with something big and fancy instead of answering with a simple answer.  Hamlet is saying basically saying that his dad is supposed to be dead when the ghost is coming in but the ghost wants to talk to him alone.  Horatio and Marcellus  is trying to stop Hamlet from going with the ghost and is just trying to stop him from making a bad choices. Mercellus- something is rotten in the state of Denmark. Seance 5 Ghost- this was not a natural death this was a murder. “The serpent that did sting thy father’s life now wears his crown” basically saying that his brother killed him for the crown. Before the ghost leaves he tells hamlet how the murder happen and he said that when he wanted to sleep in the garden his brother poisoned him and and that he took a lot from him his crown, and his wife. Last thing that his dad tells him is to lead

Yesterday night

Yesterday night I event to Best Buy to see the new iPhone and other stuff they had and I loved how the new iPhone felt in the hand and how well it was made I ended up buying it on the spot with out even thinking about it and am happy that I bought it but but also I figured out I need to be more responsible with my money.

Concert season

concert season started after football season and so far it’s been pretty good I had my chair placement last week on firday for concert percussion and ended up being 5 chair everyone did their best and practice hard enough to get the spot they got I would of liked to get 3 chair but yet I didn’t practice and sight read it and got 5 which was my fault.

The end of the season

Water polo season ended a couple weeks ago it was a good season we where one game away from going to no CIF but sadly we lost we where really sad about it but happy to see how far we got I will miss everyone but hopefully see them agian during swim season.


in my English class we are reading Hamlet it is very interesting but also sometimes hard to under but as dr Preston brakes it down it makes more and more sense so far my favorite part is when the guards are talking about the ghost and thinking about telling hamlet but so far Hamlet isn’t happy that his new dad is his is uncle can’t blame him I wouldn’t be too happy eaither.


on October 26 I had my last football game with the amazing saints marching band it was a night I couldn’t forget. It was a against Pv as soon as we marched in the stands where full in both sides and the football teams where getting ready the crowed agent crazy during the football and then half time came and as I new it was I was playing my last half time show in high school the crowed cheering for the saints marching band gave us more energy to play may have lost the game but we won with the school spirit.

back on this

Hey blog!!! Am so glad I can recover my blog back can’t wait to be posting agian of some experiences that happens while I couldn’t post.